Language Friends in the Nordics – the Art of Understanding Each Other, seeks to cultivate a deep appreciation of linguistic and cultural diversity among children in the Nordic region. By integrating educational practices with cultural insights, our initiative aims to foster an inclusive environment where multilingualism is viewed as a valuable resource. We are setting the stage for children to explore and celebrate their own and each other’s linguistic and cultural identities through creative and artistic expressions.
The project involves a series of interconnected activities, including the development of innovative teaching materials, the organization of intercultural encounters, and the facilitation of art-based workshops. These activities are designed to encourage children to express themselves, share their stories, and build friendships across cultural and linguistic boundaries. Our approach emphasizes the importance of understanding and empathy, empowering children to see themselves as global citizens within the Nordic context.
In partnership with schools and cultural institutions across the Nordics, we will culminate our two-year journey with exhibitions that showcase the children’s collaborative artworks, reflecting their shared experiences and narratives. These exhibitions, along with a joint publication of teaching materials, aim to leave a lasting impact on the educational landscape of the region, promoting social sustainability and a sense of belonging in an increasingly diverse world.
Our project not only aligns with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision for 2030 but also actively contributes to the cultivation of a socially sustainable and cohesive Nordic region, where diversity is celebrated, and every child feels valued and understood.
Sprogvenner i Norden – kunsten at forstår hinanden, søger at dyrke en dyb forståelse for sproglig og kulturel mangfoldighed blandt børn i Norden. Ved at integrere uddannelsespraksis med kulturel indsigt sigter vores initiativ mod at fremme et inkluderende miljø, hvor flersprogethed ses som en værdifuld ressource. Vi sætter scenen for, at børn kan udforske og fejre deres egen og hinandens sproglige og kulturelle identiteter gennem kreative og kunstneriske udtryk.
Tungumálavinir á Norðurlöndum – listin að skilja hvert annað, leitast við að rækta djúpt skilning á tungumála- og menningarlegum fjölbreytileika meðal barna á Norðurlöndum. Með því að samþætta menntunarhætti og menningarlega innsýn miðar frumkvæði okkar að því að hlúa að umhverfi án aðgreiningar þar sem litið er á fjöltyngi sem dýrmæta auðlind. Leggjum grunninn fyrir börn til að kanna og fagna eigin tungumála- og menningarlegri sjálfsmynd með skapandi og listrænni tjáningu.
Deltagende institutioner / Participating institutions / Þátttakendur í verkefninu
Kristín Vilhjálmsdóttir, verkefnisstjóri
Listasafn Íslands
Skovvangskolen Árósum, Danmörku
Eysturskúlin, Þórshöfn, Færeyjum
Miðja máls og læsis gegnum Skóla- og frístundasvið Reykjavíkur